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True Dharma Eye, Being-Time:
Dogen's teachings on moment mind
Teacher: Rev. Shinshu Roberts  

Session One: March 3 / 19:00 EST (See this in your time zone)
Session Two: March 17 / 19:00 EDT (See this in your time zone)
Description: Eihei Dōgen, the 13th century founder of Sōtō Zen in Japan, is known for his profound and difficult texts on practice. Shōbōgenzō Uji (True Dharma Eye, Being-Time) is Dōgen's teaching on cultivating realized Bodhisattva practice through re-orienting our relationship to time as being/being as time. This radical understanding of each moment's existence as being-time is the basis of practice-realization. Exploring the text in a systematic way, this class will offer an explanation of the text itself as well as how we can bring Dogen's teachings into our own life and practice. The two classes will explore passages from this text. 

About the Teacher: Rev. Shinshu Roberts is co-founder and teacher, with Daijaku Kinst, of Ocean Gate Zen Center in Capitola, CA. She is a Dharma heir of Sojun Weitsman Roshi in the Soto Zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki and holds the appointment of International Dharma Teacher in the Japanese Soto Zen School. Author of Being-Time: A Practitioner’s Guide to Dōgen’s Shōbōgenzō Uji (Wisdom publications, 2018) and forthcoming Meeting The Myriad Things: A Practitioner’s Guide to Dogen’s Genjokoan, published by Shambhala Press August 2025.

Please note: The recordings for this program will be available for six months. 

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